Newsletter #2 - EnergyCo moves timeline FORWARD
Hi All,
It’s been another hectic week with a lot of progress. The news is not all good unfortunately.
The main news that you need to be aware of is that EnergyCo has moved their timeline FORWARD. The scoping document that Energyco need to submit to Minister Penny Sharpe, was to be submitted by the end of June. We have been told by an EnergyCo rep that the scoping doc will now be submitted by the end of May or early June. 1 Month earlier than expected! I dont know about you but this is a first in my experience with any government agency. Delays you expect..acceleration NEVER. We are working to delay the report as you will see below
Valley Alliance committee have been meeting weekly and the following is an update of what has been achieved so far:
REPORTS : Commissioned property valuation report from LAWD. The report will give members, politicians and media an idea of what we are losing economically if the HVTL project proceeds on the current route of land surrounding the route, not just those directly under it.
LEGAL : Engaged expert solicitor – MaryLou Potts Pty Ltd. Marylou is an expert in environmental law issues, She has represented landholders against pipeline, HVTL and mining companies with great success in the past Marylou will be providing us with advice regarding our rights with regard to access and trying to delay EnergyCo’s project timeline. The aim is to give us more time to prepare reports and move the line.
MEMBERSHIPS :Running community membership drives at Dungowan Station and Woolomin Store. Currently, we have 130 paid up members. KEEP SIGNING UP. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER . ONLINE LINK
SOCIAL MEDIA : We have set up a Facebook page - Valley Alliance , PLEASE FOLLOW US. IT SHOWS YOUR SUPPORT
MEDIA update - Media briefings have gone out to media networks. We are hoping to get air time on the large Sydney networks eg Ben Fordham . Channel 7 has also responded
WEBSITE: We have set up an active website at please have a look and encourage family and friends to join us online through the website. $10 is not a lot to show how much our countryside means to you. The NEWS page will be another way to see what we have been doing and what is going on in HVTL’s across the state and world.
COMMUNITY MEETING with EnergyCo After 3 formal requests, Valley Alliance still had not heard from EnergyCo about a meeting date. We have emailed EnergyCo on 17 April and requested a meeting at the Woolomin Hall We will let you know the date ASAP.
ENERGYCO Attended meetings with impacted landholders who have been pressured and bullied into giving EnergyCo access to their private land.
Valley Alliance recommendation is that you do NOT take any meetings with EnergyCo reps without a VA committee person attending . VA will represent you if you do not wish to take the meeting at all. We understand that this is terribly stressful for all of us. VA’s preferred alternative is that your meeting be part of our community meeting with EnergyCo.
If EnergyCo pressures you for a meeting on your land REFUSE it. You cannot be penalised in any way for doing this.
Do NOT believe everything they tell you. Their goal is to divide and conquer through any means possible. Talk with VA and your neighbours.
CONSTRUCTION IMPACT: ….up to 5 years of disruption to landholders and the whole community with extra truck movements, road easements on your land (not just the corridor) etc
What you can do to help:
INCREASE MEMBERSHIP : We are a community representative organisation. Encourage family and friends to visit our website and become paid community members. The more people we have, the louder our voice and more unity we show.
NEIGHBOURS: If you know of any directly impacted landowners, please give them our details so we can assist and work with them.
WIN,WIN, WIN: 500’s club tickets are for sale at the Woolomin shop. $10 per ticket for your chance to win $500.
WRITE: We will be sending a letter template that you can customise (name , thoughts etc) to object to the proposed route. We will provide the email addresses and letter format. It couldn’t be easier to show your objection.
Opinion piece to the local papers eg. Letter to the Editor of the Northern Daily Leader. Click this LINK
Finally a big THANKYOU to all our community members who have been supporting Valley Alliance and raising your voice by becoming paid members or paying the impacted Landholders contribution. You really have no idea how much your support and determination means to the impacted landholders, neighbours and broader communities where we all live.
A few shout out thankyous:
Leslye Cole for the design of the letterbox flyers that are coming soon.
Kate Ellis who is the brains behind our Facebook page.
Jye Segboer for allowing us to set up at his event held at Dungowan Station for membership drive.
Nicole Palmer for manning the membership tables at Woolomin Store.
Have a great week. Remember WE ARE STRONGER TORETHER
Tim White
Valley Alliance