Newsletter #10- Apples with Apples..

Hi All,

I’m sure most of you have seen the EnergyCo release regarding the Aberbaldie TSR. As anticipated it was NOT good news.

For those that don’t know and want to know more. Here is the link to the EnergyCo report released last Friday (CLICK). If you are interested in the FAQ’s release click HERE.

In Summary, EnergyCo’s comparative assessment found that the TSR route options would provide a better outcome compared to the Base Case on some criteria, including lower average slopes, access to existing roads for construction, and bushfire resilience ( the report acknowledges that the TSR is lower bushfire risk (Category 3) than the preferred route (Category 1).. Thanks EnergyCo for being concerned about lives and livelihoods.

The problem is that EnergyCo did NOT compare apples with apples. They actually ignored the bottom half of the route that VA proposed. We proposed that the route head south through the state forest and join the existing 132Kva line at Glenrock that then heads down into the hunter to join the main lines to Liddel.

EnergyCo have decided to use parts of routes they assessed in the past. Routes 1A (Duncans Creek)& 1B (Lindsay’s Gap) was NOT submitted by us for the simple reason that they are longer and impact more housing.

Why did they do this ??? because it was the easy option for them that didn’t require any real investigation. Much of the work on routes was used in the initial route multi  criteria analysis completed over 1 year ago. There is no drama doing that if it’s relevant but it’s NOT in this case!

VA is pretty sure that EnergyCo didn't drive the FULL route (Yes Doug we are calling you out for lying on Channel 7 news on 27 August). How do we know ? The route designer, Ben, had met with us to discuss the route. To his credit he had been for a drive. Sadly for him he got lost at Barry Station and was a long way off the suggested route. He admitted this to us and then promptly went on a 4 week holiday to get married in the UK (EnergyCo didn’t feel the need to inform us of this).

EnergyCo then asked us to drive the Glenrock leg of the route on Tuesday 20 August (we couldn’t as we have jobs and need a few days' notice) . They then released the report on Friday August 23. Yep just 3 days later. Do you get the feeling that the report might already have been written and they were just wasting our time by going for a drive along the route?

According to EnergyCo, the TSR is  inferior  in :

Environmental impacts: The TSR route would have a higher impact on the environment than the preferred study corridor. This is due to the presence of sensitive ecosystems and threatened species in the TSR area. The TSR route would also require more clearing of vegetation and disturbance of wildlife habitats.

VA : A TSR by definition is a travelling stock route. Farmers use it when they need to move stock or when there is not enough feed on their own properties. They have been in use for over 100 years. This route is not used as frequently as others but is still in use. What sensitive ecosystem is left in place after a mob of cattle or sheep come through? This land is LESS environmentally sensitive than areas the current route passes through. We have Koalas , Spotted quolls, platypus and Booroolong Frogs. All rare or endangered. Good luck finding them on the TSR.

Construction challenges: The TSR route would be more difficult and expensive to construct than the preferred study corridor.

VA : This is not possible! They admit lower average slopes on the TSR, it has existing roads through it, while the current route is a complete bulldozer job through native bush and farmland in some very rough country. The vegetation to be cleared on the TSR option is mainly regrowth pine forestry.

People & Communities : The TSR route would have a greater impact on local communities than the preferred study corridor.

VA: This is amazing to us! It is on Public land. EnergyCo is taking the view that impacting people visually on the TSR is more important than physically and economically impacting them. EnergyCo has also completely ignored the village of Woolomin (121 houses) in its study. There are 125 showing as impacted in the report. I can assure you there are more than 4 impacted elsewhere along the route. .

Cost: The TSR route would be more expensive to construct than the preferred study corridor. This is due to the additional environmental mitigation measures and construction challenges.

VA: this is based on the premise that the routes EnergyCo chose to analyse are 42km & 50+km LONGER. The VA route is 45km SHORTER than the current  = $620 MILLION dollar saving. That does not include time and legal costs in dealing with individual farmers and communities along the routes rather than the state and federal government.

In short, It appears for the sake of doing some real work and actually looking to the future EnergyCo have once again negated any potential for a positive outcome with the community it is bulldozing. They are putting their short term ease ahead of economic and common sense outcomes.


  • Woolomin Hall 3 September. 3.30-6.30pm , EnergyCo will be sharing their reasons for rejecting the Aberbaldie TSR option. VA is hosting a BBQ at 4.30 outside the hall and will be going inside at 5.00PM . Please join us !! We NEED NUMBERS to show that we will not give up.

  • Parliamentary Inquiry Announced: INQUIRY INTO THE IMPACT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ZONES (REZs) ON RURAL AND REGIONAL COMMUNITIES AND INDUSTRIES IN NEW SOUTH WALES- Submissions can be made online HERE will talk more about this in the weeks ahead

THANKS : to everyone that came to the Woolomin Hall and Dungowan Pub to sign objection letters to the Department of planning. It’s a great start but we need more letters. Contact us for assistance.  

Thanks must also go to the VA committee who have been giving a huge amount of time and energy to this. Not just the Weekly meetings, but the letter drops, surveillance, working groups to help write letters. You are amazing

We are stronger together!  Let's be respectful on Tuesday night but leave EnergyCo with no other thought than this is a united community that doesn’t want their lines

Thanks for keeping our community united!



Newsletter #11- People Power


Newletter #9 - To Be Forewarned….